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E na entrada do Castelo, esse Fusca! |
Essa é a construção mais antiga da África do Sul em utilização, o que o torna ainda mais interessante.
Vale a pena conhecer o Castelo de Good Hope pelo seu valor histórico e alguns de seus detalhes, como William Fehr Collection, porém a construção está precisando de alguns reparos (que não são percebidos pelas fotos).

Não tivemos a oportunidade de visitar as vinícolas da África do Sul, mas o nosso jantar de despedida da Cidade do Cabo foi no restaurante 96 Winery Road em Stellenbosch e assim, ao menos, colocamos os pés nessa região e degustamos um excelente vinho (Lyngrove Pinotage)
Aliás, não apenas o vinho esteve excelente naquela noite. O cardápio foi dos melhores:
- cordeiro com lentilha
- filé de porco com risoto
Sem dúvida, voltaremos para conhecer as vinícolas da Cidade do Cabo. Essa rápida visita a Stellenbosch aguçou nossa curiosidade.
Our last day in Cape Town was dedicated to visit the city centre, the Castle of Good Hope and to buy some souvenirs.
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and in the entrance of the castle, this Beatle! |
Built between 1666 and 1679, the Castle was, in fact, a fort in the beginning to protect Cape Town from English invasion during a war with the Dutch.
This is considered the oldest surviving building in South Africa.
It´s worth visiting the Castle of Good Hope for its cultural value and some of its details, such as William Fehr Collection, however the construction demands some repair (which is not perceived by the pictures).

We haven´t had the chance and time to visit the wineries of South Africa, however our farewell dinner was at 96 Winery Road in Stellenbosch, so at least we put our feet on that region and had the chance to enjoy an excellent wine (Lyngrove Pinotage).
By the way, it was not only the wine which was excellent that night. The menu was delicious and was one of the best:
- lamb with lentil
- roasted pork fillet with risotto.
Simply divine!
There is no doubt that we will return to Cape Town to visit its wineries. This quick visit to Stellenbosch bolster our curiosity.
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