E só posso dizer uma coisa FANTÁSTICO!!!
Cotswolds é uma região no interior da Inglaterra próxima à fronteira com o País de Gales, com pequenos vilarejos, muito verde, casas de pedra e um clima de cenário de filme. Nem parece real de tão maravilhoso!
Um lugar aprazível, tranquilo e perfeito para uma caminhar e curtir cada detalhe desses vilarejos.
Fiquei em Stow-on-the-Wold que me encantou desde a chegada, mesmo com a garoa naquele dia. No dia seguinte, o sol UHUUUU!!!! e caminhar por Lower Slaughter com sol foi demais.
Nesse mesmo dia fui até Cheltenham (na verdade passei por lá) indo visitar a Catedral de Gloucester (apenas porque ela foi usada em um dos filmes do Harry Potter, fora isso, nada de mais).
Dica: não cheguei a ir para Upper Slaughter, mas depois de visitar Lower Slaughter e ver algumas fotos de Upper Slaughter... vale a pena ir até lá.
When I planned this trip, I found out The Cotswolds through my travel guide and, as it is not a touristic area for foreigners and based on the fact that I was intending to capture the most of England, The Cotswolds was in my schedule.
And I just can say one word AMAZING!!!
The Cotswolds is countryside area near Wales boundaries formed with small villages, green fields, stone houses such as a scenario.
A really pleasant place, perfect for walking and enjoy every single detail of these villages.
I stayed in Stow-on-the-Wold which enchanted me since the begining, even with the rainy afternoon. However, the sun was there next morning - UHUUUUU!!!! what made my walking through Lower Slaughter more pleasant.
On the same day I passed by Cheltenham going to visit Gloucester Cathedral (I went there as it was used in one of Harry Potters movies, apart from this, it´s not worth it).
Hint: although I haven´t gone to Upper Slaughter, based on what I saw in Lower Slaughter and some pictures from Upper, I may say it´s worth visiting both!

Lower Slaughter - as imagens já dizem tudo / The pictures say by themselves.
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